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Fighting Fantasy: Allansia by Steve Jackson & Ian Livingston


Digital E-Book


A high fantasy world based on the old Fighting Fantasy gamebooks.


Puffin Adventure Gamebooks


History of Allansia

Many centuries ago chaos spilled into the world. The Demon Princes led armies of demons, orcs, goblins and dark elves against the good peoples of Allansia. This began the War of the Wizards. The final battle took place in the grand city of Carsepolis, centre of Allansia. The forces of chaos overwhelmed the human army and took the first and second walls leaving the humans trapped between the first wall and the ocean. Luckily the elves of the Forests of Night and the dwarves of Frostholm came to aid the human army, driving back the forces of chaos into the forests and mountains from which they came. Carsepolis was in ruins and never rebuilt. The War of the Wizards had ended and the New Age had begun. What was once the Kingdom of Allansia became no more than a group of city-states, each ruled over by self-proclaimed Kings, Dukes and Lords.

Allansia Today

Today the arguments between the city-states have been halted. There are no more wars and stability has come to Allansia. Salamonis has become the grandest and oldest of the city-states, its rule stretching out to the villages of Warpstone and Silverton. King Salamon LVII rules with a fair but firm fist. Salamonis is known as the safest place in all of Allansia.

On the western coast where Carsepolis once stood is Port Blacksand, also known as the City of Thieves. It is known as the most dangerous and corrupt city in Allansia, ruled over by the mysterious Lord Azzur.

The town of Stonebridge is the only city-state in Allansia not ruled by humans but dwarves. The best smiths in Allansia are here and the dwarves constantly watch the Moonstone Hills for goblins activity.

As for the elves, they have been in decline since the dawn of the New Age. Their forest cities are a closely guarded secret, protected by magic. It is well known throughout Allansia that the Forest of Yore contains the largest of the elven cities, but the magic protecting it prevents outsiders from entering. Elves that have left the forest cities become considered outsiders and once having left they can never return.

Hidden in the wilds many chaotic creatures still roam. In the Icefinger Mountains roam orcs, ogres, trolls, giants and many other creatures. Across the Pagan Plains goblin tribes continuously attack merchant caravans whilst in the Darkwood Forest the dark elves have built their own forest city and fiercely guard their dark secrets, plotting to take control of the world for their demon masters. Goblin and Orc tribes roam both the Moonstone Hills and the Craggen Heights, ambushing merchant caravans in Trolltooth Pass and on the Southern Plains barbarian tribes frequently raid the farms around Whitewater River.



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Fighting Fantasy: Allansia by Steve Jackson & Ian Livingston [PDF]

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